Emergent Mind


Machine-learning algorithms have shown outstanding image recognition or classification performance for computer vision applications. However, the compute and energy requirement for implementing such classifier models for large-scale problems is quite high. In this paper, we propose Feature Driven Selective Classification (FALCON) inspired by the biological visual attention mechanism in the brain to optimize the energy-efficiency of machine-learning classifiers. We use the consensus in the characteristic features (color/texture) across images in a dataset to decompose the original classification problem and construct a tree of classifiers (nodes) with a generic-to-specific transition in the classification hierarchy. The initial nodes of the tree separate the instances based on feature information and selectively enable the latter nodes to perform object specific classification. The proposed methodology allows selective activation of only those branches and nodes of the classification tree that are relevant to the input while keeping the remaining nodes idle. Additionally, we propose a programmable and scalable Neuromorphic Engine (NeuE) that utilizes arrays of specialized neural computational elements to execute the FALCON based classifier models for diverse datasets. The structure of FALCON facilitates the reuse of nodes while scaling up from small classification problems to larger ones thus allowing us to construct classifier implementations that are significantly more efficient. We evaluate our approach for a 12-object classification task on the Caltech101 dataset and 10-object task on CIFAR-10 dataset by constructing FALCON models on the NeuE platform in 45nm technology. Our results demonstrate significant improvement in energy-efficiency and training time for minimal loss in output quality.

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