Emergent Mind

Ear-to-ear Capture of Facial Intrinsics

Published Sep 8, 2016 in cs.CV


We present a practical approach to capturing ear-to-ear face models comprising both 3D meshes and intrinsic textures (i.e. diffuse and specular albedo). Our approach is a hybrid of geometric and photometric methods and requires no geometric calibration. Photometric measurements made in a lightstage are used to estimate view dependent high resolution normal maps. We overcome the problem of having a single photometric viewpoint by capturing in multiple poses. We use uncalibrated multiview stereo to estimate a coarse base mesh to which the photometric views are registered. We propose a novel approach to robustly stitching surface normal and intrinsic texture data into a seamless, complete and highly detailed face model. The resulting relightable models provide photorealistic renderings in any view.

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