Emergent Mind


Clinicians are expected to have up-to-date and broad knowledge of disease treatment options for a patient. Online health knowledge resources contain a wealth of information. However, because of the time investment needed to disseminate and rank pertinent information, there is a need to summarize the information in a more concise format. Our aim of the study is to provide clinicians with a concise overview of popular treatments for a given disease using information automatically computed from Medline abstracts. We analyzed the treatments of two disorders - Atrial Fibrillation and Congestive Heart Failure. We calculated the precision, recall, and f-scores of our two ranking methods to measure the accuracy of the results. For Atrial Fibrillation disorder, maximum f-score for the New Treatments weighing method is 0.611, which occurs at 60 treatments. For Congestive Heart Failure disorder, maximum f-score for the New Treatments weighing method is 0.503, which occurs at 80 treatments.

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