Emergent Mind

Spatially Correlated Content Caching for Device-to-Device Communications

Published Sep 1, 2016 in cs.IT , cs.NI , and math.IT


We study optimal geographic content placement for device-to-device (D2D) networks in which each file's popularity follows the Zipf distribution. The locations of the D2D users (caches) are modeled by a Poisson point process (PPP) and have limited communication range and finite storage. Inspired by the Mat\'{e}rn hard-core (type II) point process that captures pairwise interactions between nodes, we devise a novel spatially correlated caching strategy called {\em hard-core placement} (HCP) such that the D2D nodes caching the same file are never closer to each other than the {\em exclusion radius}. The exclusion radius plays the role of a substitute for caching probability. We derive and optimize the exclusion radii to maximize the {\em hit probability}, which is the probability that a given D2D node can find a desired file at another node's cache within its communication range. Contrasting it with independent content placement, which is used in most prior work, our HCP strategy often yields a significantly higher cache hit probability. We further demonstrate that the HCP strategy is effective for small cache sizes and a small communication radius, which are likely conditions for D2D.

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