Emergent Mind

A family of fast exact pattern matching algorithms

Published Aug 30, 2016 in cs.DS


A family of comparison-based exact pattern matching algorithms is described. They utilize multi-dimensional arrays in order to process more than one adjacent text window in each iteration of the search cycle. This approach leads to a lower average time complexity by the cost of space. The algorithms of this family perform well for short patterns and middle size alphabets. In such case the shift of the window by several pattern lengths at once is quite probable, which is the main factor of algorithm success. Our algorithms outperform the Boyer-Moore-Horspool algorithm, either in the original version or with Sunday's Quick search modification, in a wide area of pattern length - alphabet size plane. In some subareas the proposed algorithms are the fastest among all known exact pattern matching algorithms. Namely, they perform best when alphabet size is about 30-40 and pattern length is about 4-10. Such parameters are typical for search in natural language text databases.

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