Emergent Mind


This paper presents a framework for computing random operator-valued feature maps for operator-valued positive definite kernels. This is a generalization of the random Fourier features for scalar-valued kernels to the operator-valued case. Our general setting is that of operator-valued kernels corresponding to RKHS of functions with values in a Hilbert space. We show that in general, for a given kernel, there are potentially infinitely many random feature maps, which can be bounded or unbounded. Most importantly, given a kernel, we present a general, closed form formula for computing a corresponding probability measure, which is required for the construction of the Fourier features, and which, unlike the scalar case, is not uniquely and automatically determined by the kernel. We also show that, under appropriate conditions, random bounded feature maps can always be computed. Furthermore, we show the uniform convergence, under the Hilbert-Schmidt norm, of the resulting approximate kernel to the exact kernel on any compact subset of Euclidean space. Our convergence requires differentiable kernels, an improvement over the twice-differentiability requirement in previous work in the scalar setting. We then show how operator-valued feature maps and their approximations can be employed in a general vector-valued learning framework. The mathematical formulation is illustrated by numerical examples on matrix-valued kernels.

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