Emergent Mind

Study of movement coordination in human ensembles via a novel computer-based set-up

Published Jul 29, 2016 in cs.HC , physics.data-an , physics.soc-ph , and q-bio.NC


Movement coordination in human ensembles has been studied little in the current literature. In the existing experimental works, situations where all subjects are connected with each other through direct visual and auditory coupling, and social interaction affects their coordination, have been investigated. Here, we study coordination in human ensembles via a novel computer-based set-up that enables individuals to coordinate each other's motion from a distance so as to minimize the influence of social interaction. The proposed platform makes it possible to implement different visual interaction patterns among the players, so that participants take into consideration the motion of a designated subset of the others. This allows the evaluation of the exclusive effects on coordination of the structure of interconnections among the players and their own dynamics. Our set-up enables also the deployment of virtual players to investigate dyadic interaction between a human and a virtual agent, as well as group synchronization in mixed teams of human and virtual agents. We use this novel set-up to study coordination both in dyads and in groups over different structures of interconnections, with and without virtual agents. We find that, in dual interaction, virtual players manage to interact with participants in a human-like fashion, thus confirming findings in previous work. We also observe that, in group interaction, the level of coordination among humans in the absence of direct visual and auditory coupling depends on the structure of interconnections among participants. This confirms, as recently suggested in the literature, that different coordination levels are achieved over diverse visual pairings in the presence and in the absence of social interaction. We present preliminary experimental results on the effect on group coordination of deploying virtual computer agents in the human ensemble.

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