Emergent Mind


In practice, wireless networks are deployed over finite domains, the level of mobility is different at different locations, and user mobility is correlated over time. All these features have an impact on the temporal properties of interference which is often neglected. In this paper, we show how to incorporate correlated user mobility into the interference and outage correlation models. We use the random waypoint mobility model over a bounded one-dimensional domain as an example model inducing correlation, and we calculate its displacement law at different locations. Based on that, we illustrate that the temporal correlations of interference and outage are location-dependent, being lower close to the centre of the domain, where the level of mobility is higher than near the boundary. Close to the boundary, more time is also needed to see uncorrelated interference. Our findings suggest that an accurate description of the mobility pattern is important, because it leads to more accurate understanding/modeling of interference and receiver performance.

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