Emergent Mind

Locality-based Network Creation Games

Published Jul 22, 2016 in cs.GT


Network creation games have been extensively studied, both from economists and computer scientists, due to their versatility in modeling individual-based community formation processes, which in turn are the theoretical counterpart of several economics, social, and computational applications on the Internet. In their several variants, these games model the tension of a player between her two antagonistic goals: to be as close as possible to the other players, and to activate a cheapest possible set of links. However, the generally adopted assumption is that players have a \emph{common and complete} information about the ongoing network, which is quite unrealistic in practice. In this paper, we consider a more compelling scenario in which players have only limited information about the network they are embedded in. More precisely, we explore the game-theoretic and computational implications of assuming that players have a complete knowledge of the network structure only up to a given radius $k$, which is one of the most qualified \emph{local-knowledge models} used in distributed computing. To this respect, we define a suitable equilibrium concept, and we provide a comprehensive set of upper and lower bounds to the price of anarchy for the entire range of values of $k$, and for the two classic variants of the game, namely those in which a player's cost besides the activation cost of the owned links depends on the maximum/sum of all the distances to the other nodes in the network, respectively. These bounds are finally assessed through an extensive set of experiments.

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