Emergent Mind

Energy-Reliability Limits in Nanoscale Feedforward Neural Networks and Formulas

Published Jul 13, 2016 in cs.IT and math.IT


Due to energy-efficiency requirements, computational systems are now being implemented using noisy nanoscale semiconductor devices whose reliability depends on energy consumed. We study circuit-level energy-reliability limits for deep feedforward neural networks (multilayer perceptrons) built using such devices, and en route also establish the same limits for formulas (boolean tree-structured circuits). To obtain energy lower bounds, we extend Pippenger's mutual information propagation technique for characterizing the complexity of noisy circuits, since small circuit complexity need not imply low energy. Many device technologies require all gates to have the same electrical operating point; in circuits of such uniform gates, we show that the minimum energy required to achieve any non-trivial reliability scales superlinearly with the number of inputs. Circuits implemented in emerging device technologies like spin electronics can, however, have gates operate at different electrical points; in circuits of such heterogeneous gates, we show energy scaling can be linear in the number of inputs. Building on our extended mutual information propagation technique and using crucial insights from convex optimization theory, we develop an algorithm to compute energy lower bounds for any given boolean tree under heterogeneous gates. This algorithm runs in linear time in number of gates, and is therefore practical for modern circuit design. As part of our development we find a simple procedure for energy allocation across circuit gates with different operating points and neural networks with differently-operating layers.

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