Emergent Mind

Width, depth and space

Published Jul 4, 2016 in cs.CC


The width measure treedepth, also known as vertex ranking, centered coloring and elimination tree height, is a well-established notion which has recently seen a resurgence of interest. Since graphs of bounded treedepth are more restricted than graphs of bounded tree- or pathwidth, we are interested in the algorithmic utility of this additional structure. On the negative side, we show that every dynamic programming algorithm on treedepth decompositions of depth~$t$ cannot solve Dominating Set with $O((3-\epsilon)t \cdot \log n)$ space for any $\epsilon > 0$. This result implies the same space lower bound for dynamic programming algorithms on tree and path decompositions. We supplement this result by showing a space lower bound of $O((3-\epsilon)t \cdot \log n)$ for 3-Coloring and $O((2-\epsilon)t \cdot \log n)$ for Vertex Cover. This formalizes the common intuition that dynamic programming algorithms on graph decompositions necessarily consume a lot of space and complements known results of the time-complexity of problems restricted to low-treewidth classes. We then show that treedepth lends itself to the design of branching algorithms. This class of algorithms has in general distinct advantages over dynamic programming algorithms: a) They use less space than algorithms based on dynamic programming, b) they are easy to parallelize and c) they provide possible solutions before terminating. Specifically, we design for Dominating Set a pure branching algorithm that runs in time $t{O(t2)}\cdot n$ and uses space $O(t3 \log t + t \log n)$ and a hybrid of branching and dynamic programming that achieves a running time of $O(3t \log t \cdot n)$ while using $O(2t t \log t + t \log n)$ space. Algorithms for 3-Coloring and Vertex Cover with space complexity $O(t \cdot \log n)$ and time complexity $O(3t \cdot n)$ and $O(2t\cdot n)$, respectively, are included for completeness.

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