Emergent Mind

A Permutation-based Model for Crowd Labeling: Optimal Estimation and Robustness

Published Jun 30, 2016 in cs.LG , cs.AI , cs.IT , math.IT , and stat.ML


The task of aggregating and denoising crowd-labeled data has gained increased significance with the advent of crowdsourcing platforms and massive datasets. We propose a permutation-based model for crowd labeled data that is a significant generalization of the classical Dawid-Skene model, and introduce a new error metric by which to compare different estimators. We derive global minimax rates for the permutation-based model that are sharp up to logarithmic factors, and match the minimax lower bounds derived under the simpler Dawid-Skene model. We then design two computationally-efficient estimators: the WAN estimator for the setting where the ordering of workers in terms of their abilities is approximately known, and the OBI-WAN estimator where that is not known. For each of these estimators, we provide non-asymptotic bounds on their performance. We conduct synthetic simulations and experiments on real-world crowdsourcing data, and the experimental results corroborate our theoretical findings.

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