Emergent Mind

Multiplierless 16-point DCT Approximation for Low-complexity Image and Video Coding

Published Jun 23, 2016 in cs.CV , cs.MM , cs.NA , and stat.ME


An orthogonal 16-point approximate discrete cosine transform (DCT) is introduced. The proposed transform requires neither multiplications nor bit-shifting operations. A fast algorithm based on matrix factorization is introduced, requiring only 44 additionsthe lowest arithmetic cost in literature. To assess the introduced transform, computational complexity, similarity with the exact DCT, and coding performance measures are computed. Classical and state-of-the-art 16-point low-complexity transforms were used in a comparative analysis. In the context of image compression, the proposed approximation was evaluated via PSNR and SSIM measurements, attaining the best cost-benefit ratio among the competitors. For video encoding, the proposed approximation was embedded into a HEVC reference software for direct comparison with the original HEVC standard. Physically realized and tested using FPGA hardware, the proposed transform showed 35% and 37% improvements of area-time and area-time-squared VLSI metrics when compared to the best competing transform in the literature.

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