Emergent Mind

Drawing Planar Graphs with Many Collinear Vertices

Published Jun 13, 2016 in cs.CG and math.CO


Consider the following problem: Given a planar graph $G$, what is the maximum number $p$ such that $G$ has a planar straight-line drawing with $p$ collinear vertices? This problem resides at the core of several graph drawing problems, including universal point subsets, untangling, and column planarity. The following results are known for it: Every $n$-vertex planar graph has a planar straight-line drawing with $\Omega(\sqrt{n})$ collinear vertices; for every $n$, there is an $n$-vertex planar graph whose every planar straight-line drawing has $O(n\sigma)$ collinear vertices, where $\sigma<0.986$; every $n$-vertex planar graph of treewidth at most two has a planar straight-line drawing with $\Theta(n)$ collinear vertices. We extend the linear bound to planar graphs of treewidth at most three and to triconnected cubic planar graphs. This (partially) answers two open problems posed by Ravsky and Verbitsky [WG 2011:295--306]. Similar results are not possible for all bounded treewidth planar graphs or for all bounded degree planar graphs. For planar graphs of treewidth at most three, our results also imply asymptotically tight bounds for all of the other above mentioned graph drawing problems.

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