Emergent Mind

Optimal dynamic mechanisms with ex-post IR via bank accounts

Published May 28, 2016 in cs.GT


Lately, the problem of designing multi-stage dynamic mechanisms has been shown to be both theoretically challenging and practically important. In this paper, we consider the problem of designing revenue optimal dynamic mechanism for a setting where an auctioneer sells a set of items to a buyer in multiple stages. At each stage, there could be multiple items for sale but each item can only appear in one stage. The type of the buyer at each stage is thus a multi-dimensional vector characterizing the buyer's valuations of the items at that stage and is assumed to be stage-wise independent. In particular, we propose a novel class of mechanisms called bank account mechanisms. Roughly, a bank account mechanism is no different from any stage-wise individual mechanism except for an augmented structure called bank account, a real number for each node that summarizes the history so far. We first establish that the optimal revenue from any dynamic mechanism in this setting can be achieved by a bank account mechanism, and we provide a simple characterization of the set of incentive compatible and ex-post individually rational bank account mechanisms. Based on these characterizations, we then investigate the problem of finding the (approximately) optimal bank account mechanisms. We prove that there exists a simple, randomized bank account mechanism that approximates optimal revenue up to a constant factor. Our result is general and can accommodate previous approximation results in single-shot multi-dimensional mechanism design. Based on the previous mechanism, we further show that there exists a deterministic bank account mechanism that achieves constant-factor approximation as well. Finally, we consider the problem of computing optimal mechanisms when the type space is discrete and provide an FPTAS via linear and dynamic programming.

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