Emergent Mind

Merging MCMC Subposteriors through Gaussian-Process Approximations

Published May 27, 2016 in stat.CO and stat.ML


Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms have become powerful tools for Bayesian inference. However, they do not scale well to large-data problems. Divide-and-conquer strategies, which split the data into batches and, for each batch, run independent MCMC algorithms targeting the corresponding subposterior, can spread the computational burden across a number of separate workers. The challenge with such strategies is in recombining the subposteriors to approximate the full posterior. By creating a Gaussian-process approximation for each log-subposterior density we create a tractable approximation for the full posterior. This approximation is exploited through three methodologies: firstly a Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm targeting the expectation of the posterior density provides a sample from an approximation to the posterior; secondly, evaluating the true posterior at the sampled points leads to an importance sampler that, asymptotically, targets the true posterior expectations; finally, an alternative importance sampler uses the full Gaussian-process distribution of the approximation to the log-posterior density to re-weight any initial sample and provide both an estimate of the posterior expectation and a measure of the uncertainty in it.

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