Emergent Mind


We study the phase retrieval problem, which solves quadratic system of equations, i.e., recovers a vector $\boldsymbol{x}\in \mathbb{R}n$ from its magnitude measurements $yi=|\langle \boldsymbol{a}i, \boldsymbol{x}\rangle|, i=1,..., m$. We develop a gradient-like algorithm (referred to as RWF representing reshaped Wirtinger flow) by minimizing a nonconvex nonsmooth loss function. In comparison with existing nonconvex Wirtinger flow (WF) algorithm \cite{candes2015phase}, although the loss function becomes nonsmooth, it involves only the second power of variable and hence reduces the complexity. We show that for random Gaussian measurements, RWF enjoys geometric convergence to a global optimal point as long as the number $m$ of measurements is on the order of $n$, the dimension of the unknown $\boldsymbol{x}$. This improves the sample complexity of WF, and achieves the same sample complexity as truncated Wirtinger flow (TWF) \cite{chen2015solving}, but without truncation in gradient loop. Furthermore, RWF costs less computationally than WF, and runs faster numerically than both WF and TWF. We further develop the incremental (stochastic) reshaped Wirtinger flow (IRWF) and show that IRWF converges linearly to the true signal. We further establish performance guarantee of an existing Kaczmarz method for the phase retrieval problem based on its connection to IRWF. We also empirically demonstrate that IRWF outperforms existing ITWF algorithm (stochastic version of TWF) as well as other batch algorithms.

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