Emergent Mind

Leveraging Over Priors for Boosting Control of Prosthetic Hands

Published May 24, 2016 in cs.LG


The Electromyography (EMG) signal is the electrical activity produced by cells of skeletal muscles in order to provide a movement. The non-invasive prosthetic hand works with several electrodes, placed on the stump of an amputee, that record this signal. In order to favour the control of prosthesis, the EMG signal is analyzed with algorithms based on machine learning theory to decide the movement that the subject is going to do. In order to obtain a significant control of the prosthesis and avoid mismatch between desired and performed movements, a long training period is needed when we use the traditional algorithm of machine learning (i.e. Support Vector Machines). An actual challenge in this field concerns the reduction of the time necessary for an amputee to learn how to use the prosthesis. Recently, several algorithms that exploit a form of prior knowledge have been proposed. In general, we refer to prior knowledge as a past experience available in the form of models. In our case an amputee, that attempts to perform some movements with the prosthesis, could use experience from different subjects that are already able to perform those movements. The aim of this work is to verify, with a computational investigation, if for an amputee this kind of previous experience is useful in order to reduce the training time and boost the prosthetic control. Furthermore, we want to understand if and how the final results change when the previous knowledge of intact or amputated subjects is used for a new amputee. Our experiments indicate that: (1) the use of experience, from other subjects already trained to perform a task, makes us able to reduce the training time of about an order of magnitude; (2) it seems that an amputee that tries to learn to use the prosthesis doesn't reach different results when he/she exploits previous experience of amputees or intact.

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