Emergent Mind


This paper describes the AMU-UEDIN submissions to the WMT 2016 shared task on news translation. We explore methods of decode-time integration of attention-based neural translation models with phrase-based statistical machine translation. Efficient batch-algorithms for GPU-querying are proposed and implemented. For English-Russian, our system stays behind the state-of-the-art pure neural models in terms of BLEU. Among restricted systems, manual evaluation places it in the first cluster tied with the pure neural model. For the Russian-English task, our submission achieves the top BLEU result, outperforming the best pure neural system by 1.1 BLEU points and our own phrase-based baseline by 1.6 BLEU. After manual evaluation, this system is the best restricted system in its own cluster. In follow-up experiments we improve results by additional 0.8 BLEU.

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