Emergent Mind

Energy Optimization of Memory Intensive Parallel workloads

Published May 13, 2016 in cs.DC


Energy consumption is an important concern in modern multicore processors. The energy consumed during the execution of an application can be minimized by tuning the hardware state utilizing knobs such as frequency, voltage etc. The existing theoretical work on energy mini- mization using Global DVFS (Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling), despite being thorough, ignores the energy consumed by the CPU on memory accesses and the dynamic energy consumed by the idle cores. This article presents an analytical model for the performance and the overall energy consumed by the CPU chip on CPU instructions as well as the memory accesses without ignoring the dynamic energy consumed by the idle cores. We present an analytical framework around our energy-performance model to predict the operating frequencies for global DVFS that minimize the overall CPU energy consumption within a performance budget. Finally, we suggest a scheduling criteria for energy aware scheduling of memory intensive parallel applications.

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