Emergent Mind

Energy-Distortion Tradeoff for the Gaussian Broadcast Channel with Feedback

Published May 1, 2016 in cs.IT and math.IT


This work focuses on the minimum transmission energy required for communicating a pair of correlated Gaussian sources over a two-user Gaussian broadcast channel with noiseless and causal channel output feedback (GBCF). We study the fundamental limit on the required transmission energy for broadcasting a pair of source samples, such that each source can be reconstructed at its respective receiver to within a target distortion, when the source-channel bandwidth ratio is not restricted. We derive a lower bound and three distinct upper bounds on the minimum required energy. For the upper bounds we analyze three transmission schemes: Two schemes are based on separate source-channel coding, and apply coding over multiple samples of source pairs. The third scheme is based on joint source-channel coding obtained by extending the Ozarow-Leung (OL) transmission scheme, which applies uncoded linear transmission. Numerical simulations show that despite its simplicity, the energy-distortion tradeoff of the OL-based scheme is close to that of the better separation-based scheme, which indicates that the OL scheme is attractive for energy-efficient source transmission over GBCFs.

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