Emergent Mind

Architectural Impact on Performance of In-memory Data Analytics: Apache Spark Case Study

Published Apr 28, 2016 in cs.DC , cs.AR , and cs.PF


While cluster computing frameworks are continuously evolving to provide real-time data analysis capabilities, Apache Spark has managed to be at the forefront of big data analytics for being a unified framework for both, batch and stream data processing. However, recent studies on micro-architectural characterization of in-memory data analytics are limited to only batch processing workloads. We compare micro-architectural performance of batch processing and stream processing workloads in Apache Spark using hardware performance counters on a dual socket server. In our evaluation experiments, we have found that batch processing are stream processing workloads have similar micro-architectural characteristics and are bounded by the latency of frequent data access to DRAM. For data accesses we have found that simultaneous multi-threading is effective in hiding the data latencies. We have also observed that (i) data locality on NUMA nodes can improve the performance by 10% on average and(ii) disabling next-line L1-D prefetchers can reduce the execution time by up-to 14\% and (iii) multiple small executors can provide up-to 36\% speedup over single large executor.

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