Emergent Mind

Worst-case Complexity of Cyclic Coordinate Descent: $O(n^2)$ Gap with Randomized Version

Published Apr 25, 2016 in math.OC , cs.CC , and math.NA


This paper concerns the worst-case complexity of cyclic coordinate descent (C-CD) for minimizing a convex quadratic function, which is equivalent to Gauss-Seidel method and can be transformed to Kaczmarz method and projection onto convex sets (POCS). We observe that the known provable complexity of C-CD can be $O(n2)$ times slower than randomized coordinate descent (R-CD), but no example was rigorously proven to exhibit such a large gap. In this paper we show that the gap indeed exists. We prove that there exists an example for which C-CD takes at least $O(n4 \kappa{\text{CD}} \log\frac{1}{\epsilon})$ operations, where $\kappa{\text{CD}}$ is related to Demmel's condition number and it determines the convergence rate of R-CD. It implies that in the worst case C-CD can indeed be $O(n2)$ times slower than R-CD, which has complexity $O( n2 \kappa_{\text{CD}} \log\frac{1}{\epsilon})$. Note that for this example, the gap exists for any fixed update order, not just a particular order. Based on the example, we establish several almost tight complexity bounds of C-CD for quadratic problems. One difficulty with the analysis is that the spectral radius of a non-symmetric iteration matrix does not necessarily constitute a \textit{lower bound} for the convergence rate. An immediate consequence is that for Gauss-Seidel method, Kaczmarz method and POCS, there is also an $O(n2) $ gap between the cyclic versions and randomized versions (for solving linear systems). We also show that the classical convergence rate of POCS by Smith, Solmon and Wager [1] is always worse and sometimes can be infinitely times worse than our bound.

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