Emergent Mind


We study the problem of optimal leader selection in consensus networks under two performance measures (1) formation coherence when subject to additive perturbations, as quantified by the steady-state variance of the deviation from the desired trajectory, and (2) convergence rate to a consensus value. The objective is to identify the set of $k$ leaders that optimizes the chosen performance measure. In both cases, an optimal leader set can be found by an exhaustive search over all possible leader sets; however, this approach is not scalable to large networks. In recent years, several works have proposed approximation algorithms to the $k$-leader selection problem, yet the question of whether there exists an efficient, non-combinatorial method to identify the optimal leader set remains open. This work takes a first step towards answering this question. We show that, in one-dimensional weighted graphs, namely path graphs and ring graphs, the $k$-leader selection problem can be solved in polynomial time (in both $k$ and the network size $n$). We give an $O(n3)$ solution for optimal $k$-leader selection in path graphs and an $O(kn3)$ solution for optimal $k$-leader selection in ring graphs.

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