Emergent Mind


An Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) needs to acquire a certain degree of autonomy for any particular underwater mission to fulfill the mission objectives successfully and ensure its safety in all stages of the mission in a large scale operating filed. In this paper, a novel combinatorial conflict-free-task assignment strategy consisting an interactive engagement of a local path planner and an adaptive global route planner, is introduced. The method is established upon the heuristic search potency of the Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO) algorithm to address the discrete nature of routing-task assignment approach and the complexity of NP-hard path planning problem. The proposed hybrid method is highly efficient for having a reactive guidance framework that guarantees successful completion of missions specifically in cluttered environments. To examine the performance of the method in a context of mission productivity, mission time management and vehicle safety, a series of simulation studies are undertaken. The results of simulations declare that the proposed method is reliable and robust, particularly in dealing with uncertainties, and it can significantly enhance the level of vehicle's autonomy by relying on its reactive nature and capability of providing fast feasible solutions.

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