Emergent Mind


Approximate capacity regions are established for a class of interfering multiple access channels consisting of two multiple-access channels (MACs), each with an arbitrary number of transmitters, with one transmitter in each MAC causing interference to the receiver of the other MAC, a channel we refer to henceforth as the MAC-IC-MAC. For the discrete memoryless (DM) MAC-IC-MAC, two inner bounds are obtained that are generalizations of prior inner bounds for the two-user DM interference channel (IC) due to Chong {\em et al}. For the semi-deterministic MAC-IC-MAC, it is shown that single-user coding at the non-interfering transmitters and superposition coding at the interfering transmitter of each MAC achieves a rate region that is within a quantifiable gap of the capacity region, thereby extending such a result for the two-user semi-deterministic IC by Telatar and Tse. For the Gaussian MAC-IC-MAC, an approximate capacity region that is within a constant gap of the capacity region is obtained, generalizing such a result for the two-user Gaussian IC by Etkin {\em et al}. Contrary to the aforementioned approximate capacity results for the two-user IC whose achievability requires the union of all admissible input distributions, our gap results on the semi-deterministic and the Gaussian MAC-IC-MAC are achievable by only a subset and one of all admissible coding distributions, respectively. The symmetric generalized degrees of freedom (GDoF) of the symmetric Gaussian MAC-IC-MAC with more than one user per cell, which is a function of the interference strength (the ratio of INR to SNR at high SNR, both expressed in dB) and the numbers of users in each cell, is V-shaped with flat shoulders. ...

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