Emergent Mind


We investigate the performance characteristics of a numerically enhanced scalar product (dot) kernel loop that uses the Kahan algorithm to compensate for numerical errors, and describe efficient SIMD-vectorized implementations on recent multi- and manycore processors. Using low-level instruction analysis and the execution-cache-memory (ECM) performance model we pinpoint the relevant performance bottlenecks for single-core and thread-parallel execution, and predict performance and saturation behavior. We show that the Kahan-enhanced scalar product comes at almost no additional cost compared to the naive (non-Kahan) scalar product if appropriate low-level optimizations, notably SIMD vectorization and unrolling, are applied. The ECM model is extended appropriately to accommodate not only modern Intel multicore chips but also the Intel Xeon Phi "Knights Corner" coprocessor and an IBM POWER8 CPU. This allows us to discuss the impact of processor features on the performance across four modern architectures that are relevant for high performance computing.

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