Emergent Mind

Near Capacity Irregular Turbo Code

Published Feb 12, 2016 in cs.IT and math.IT


The purpose of this study is to construct a near capacity Irregular Turbo Code and to evaluate its performance over Gaussian channel. The methodology used to evaluate and measure the performance of the new design is by simulating the system by developing a software platform using Matlab. The simulation carried out by implementing the system over different modulation schemes, different frame sizes, and different code rates in order to achieve a fair comparison between irregular turbo code and regular Turbo Code. The simulation results showed that the Irregular Turbo Code with 64QAM modulation is capable of achieving a coding gain of 1.29 dB over its corresponding Turbo Code for a low Bit Error Rate 10 to 5, when used in a Gaussian noisy channel. Also, the Irregular Turbo Code designed in this paper, utilizes a single recursive Convolution encoder with short frame size of 5012 bits. The new designed codec can play an important role in many commercial applications such as Third-Generation wireless phones, Digital Video Broadcasting systems, or Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks, etc.

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