Emergent Mind

System Combination for Short Utterance Speaker Recognition

Published Mar 31, 2016 in cs.CL and cs.NE


For text-independent short-utterance speaker recognition (SUSR), the performance often degrades dramatically. This paper presents a combination approach to the SUSR tasks with two phonetic-aware systems: one is the DNN-based i-vector system and the other is our recently proposed subregion-based GMM-UBM system. The former employs phone posteriors to construct an i-vector model in which the shared statistics offers stronger robustness against limited test data, while the latter establishes a phone-dependent GMM-UBM system which represents speaker characteristics with more details. A score-level fusion is implemented to integrate the respective advantages from the two systems. Experimental results show that for the text-independent SUSR task, both the DNN-based i-vector system and the subregion-based GMM-UBM system outperform their respective baselines, and the score-level system combination delivers performance improvement.

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