Emergent Mind

The Dimension and Minimum Distance of Two Classes of Primitive BCH Codes

Published Mar 22, 2016 in cs.IT and math.IT


Reed-Solomon codes, a type of BCH codes, are widely employed in communication systems, storage devices and consumer electronics. This fact demonstrates the importance of BCH codes -- a family of cyclic codes -- in practice. In theory, BCH codes are among the best cyclic codes in terms of their error-correcting capability. A subclass of BCH codes are the narrow-sense primitive BCH codes. However, the dimension and minimum distance of these codes are not known in general. The objective of this paper is to determine the dimension and minimum distances of two classes of narrow-sense primitive BCH codes with design distances $\delta=(q-1)q{m-1}-1-q{\lfloor (m-1)/2\rfloor}$ and $\delta=(q-1)q{m-1}-1-q{\lfloor (m+1)/2\rfloor}$. The weight distributions of some of these BCH codes are also reported. As will be seen, the two classes of BCH codes are sometimes optimal and sometimes among the best linear codes known.

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