Emergent Mind

DoraPicker: An Autonomous Picking System for General Objects

Published Mar 21, 2016 in cs.RO


Robots that autonomously manipulate objects within warehouses have the potential to shorten the package delivery time and improve the efficiency of the e-commerce industry. In this paper, we present a robotic system that is capable of both picking and placing general objects in warehouse scenarios. Given a target object, the robot autonomously detects it from a shelf or a table and estimates its full 6D pose. With this pose information, the robot picks the object using its gripper, and then places it into a container or at a specified location. We describe our pick-and-place system in detail while highlighting our design principles for the warehouse settings, including the perception method that leverages knowledge about its workspace, three grippers designed to handle a large variety of different objects in terms of shape, weight and material, and grasp planning in cluttered scenarios. We also present extensive experiments to evaluate the performance of our picking system and demonstrate that the robot is competent to accomplish various tasks in warehouse settings, such as picking a target item from a tight space, grasping different objects from the shelf, and performing pick-and-place tasks on the table.

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