Emergent Mind

Edge exchangeable models for network data

Published Mar 15, 2016 in math.ST , cs.SI , physics.soc-ph , and stat.TH


Exchangeable models for countable vertex-labeled graphs cannot replicate the large sample behaviors of sparsity and power law degree distribution observed in many network datasets. Out of this mathematical impossibility emerges the question of how network data can be modeled in a way that reflects known empirical behaviors and respects basic statistical principles. We address this question by observing that edges, not vertices, act as the statistical units in networks constructed from interaction data, making a theory of edge-labeled networks more natural for many applications. In this context we introduce the concept of {\em edge exchangeability}, which unlike its vertex exchangeable counterpart admits models for networks with sparse and/or power law structure. Our characterization of edge exchangeable networks gives rise to a class of nonparametric models, akin to graphon models in the vertex exchangeable setting. Within this class, we identify a tractable family of distributions with a clear interpretation and suitable theoretical properties, whose significance in estimation, prediction, and testing we demonstrate.

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