Emergent Mind

Interactive Tools and Tasks for the Hebrew Bible

Published Mar 14, 2016 in cs.CL


This contribution to a special issue on "Computer-aided processing of intertextuality" in ancient texts will illustrate how using digital tools to interact with the Hebrew Bible offers new promising perspectives for visualizing the texts and for performing tasks in education and research. This contribution explores how the corpus of the Hebrew Bible created and maintained by the Eep Talstra Centre for Bible and Computer can support new methods for modern knowledge workers within the field of digital humanities and theology be applied to ancient texts, and how this can be envisioned as a new field of digital intertextuality. The article first describes how the corpus was used to develop the Bible Online Learner as a persuasive technology to enhance language learning with, in, and around a database that acts as the engine driving interactive tasks for learners. Intertextuality in this case is a matter of active exploration and ongoing practice. Furthermore, interactive corpus-technology has an important bearing on the task of textual criticism as a specialized area of research that depends increasingly on the availability of digital resources. Commercial solutions developed by software companies like Logos and Accordance offer a market-based intertextuality defined by the production of advanced digital resources for scholars and students as useful alternatives to often inaccessible and expensive printed versions. It is reasonable to expect that in the future interactive corpus technology will allow scholars to do innovative academic tasks in textual criticism and interpretation. We have already seen the emergence of promising tools for text categorization, analysis of translation shifts, and interpretation. Broadly speaking, interactive tools and tasks within the three areas of language learning, textual criticism, and Biblical studies illustrate a new kind of intertextuality emerging within digital humanities.

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