Emergent Mind

DSCMC: Distributed Stateless Code Model Checker

Published Mar 11, 2016 in cs.PL


Stateless code model checking is an effective verification technique, which is more applicable than stateful model checking to the software world. Existing stateless model checkers support the verification of neither LTL formulae nor the information flow security properties. This paper proposes a distributed stateless code model checker (DSCMC) designed based on the Actor model, and has the capability of verifying code written in different programming languages. This tool is implemented using Erlang, which is an actor-based programming language. DSCMC is able to detect deadlocks, livelocks, and data races automatically. In addition, the tool can verify information flow security and the properties specified in LTL. Thanks to its actor-based architecture, DSCMC provides a wide range of capabilities. The parallel architecture of the tool exploiting the rich concurrency model of Erlang is suited to the time-intensive process of stateless code model checking.

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