Emergent Mind

Shortest Paths and Convex Hulls in 2D Complexes with Non-Positive Curvature

Published Mar 2, 2016 in cs.CG , math.CO , and math.MG


Globally non-positively curved, or CAT(0), polyhedral complexes arise in a number of applications, including evolutionary biology and robotics. These spaces have unique shortest paths and are composed of Euclidean polyhedra, yet many algorithms and properties of shortest paths and convex hulls in Euclidean space fail to transfer over. We give an algorithm, using linear programming, to compute the convex hull of a set of points in a 2-dimensional CAT(0) polyhedral complex with a single vertex. We explore the use of shortest path maps to answer single-source shortest path queries in 2-dimensional CAT(0) polyhedral complexes, and we unify efficient solutions for 2-manifold and rectangular cases.

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