Emergent Mind

Analysing Survey Propagation Guided Decimation on Random Formulas

Published Feb 22, 2016 in cs.DS and math.CO


Let $\varPhi$ be a uniformly distributed random $k$-SAT formula with $n$ variables and $m$ clauses. For clauses/variables ratio $m/n \leq r{k\text{-SAT}} \sim 2k\ln2$ the formula $\varPhi$ is satisfiable with high probability. However, no efficient algorithm is known to provably find a satisfying assignment beyond $m/n \sim 2k \ln(k)/k$ with a non-vanishing probability. Non-rigorous statistical mechanics work on $k$-CNF led to the development of a new efficient "message passing algorithm" called \emph{Survey Propagation Guided Decimation} [M\'ezard et al., Science 2002]. Experiments conducted for $k=3,4,5$ suggest that the algorithm finds satisfying assignments close to $r{k\text{-SAT}}$. However, in the present paper we prove that the basic version of Survey Propagation Guided Decimation fails to solve random $k$-SAT formulas efficiently already for $m/n=2k(1+\varepsilon_k)\ln(k)/k$ with $\lim{k\to\infty}\varepsilonk= 0$ almost a factor $k$ below $r_{k\text{-SAT}}$.

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