Emergent Mind


In this paper, we adopt the relay selection (RS) protocol proposed by Bletsas, Khisti, Reed and Lippman (2006) with Enhanced Dynamic Decode-and-Forward (EDDF) and network coding (NC) system in a two-hop two-way multi-relay network. All nodes are single-input single-output (SISO) and half-duplex, i.e., they cannot transmit and receive data simultaneously. The outage probability is analyzed and we show comparisons of outage probability with various scenarios under Rayleigh fading channel. Our results show that the relay selection with EDDF and network coding (RS-EDDF&NC) scheme has the best performance in the sense of outage probability upon the considered decode-and-forward (DF) relaying if there exist sufficiently relays. In addition, the performance loss is large if we select a relay at random. This shows the importance of relay selection strategies.

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