Emergent Mind

Progress Towards the Conjecture on APN Functions and Absolutely Irreducible Polynomials

Published Jan 30, 2016 in math.NT , cs.CR , cs.IT , math.AG , and math.IT


Almost Perfect Nonlinear (APN) functions are very useful in cryptography, when they are used as S-Boxes, because of their good resistance to differential cryptanalysis. An APN function $f:\mathbb{F}{2n}\rightarrow\mathbb{F}{2n}$ is called exceptional APN if it is APN on infinitely many extensions of $\mathbb{F}_{2n}$. Aubry, McGuire and Rodier conjectured that the only exceptional APN functions are the Gold and the Kasami-Welch monomial functions. They established that a polynomial function of odd degree is not exceptional APN provided the degree is not a Gold number $(2k+1)$ or a Kasami-Welch number $(2{2k}-2k+1)$. When the degree of the polynomial function is a Gold number, several partial results have been obtained [1, 7, 8, 10, 17]. One of the results in this article is a proof of the relatively primeness of the multivariate APN polynomial conjecture, in the Gold degree case. This helps us extend substantially previous results. We prove that Gold degree polynomials of the form $x{2k+1}+h(x)$, where $deg(h)$ is any odd integer (with the natural exceptions), can not be exceptional APN. We also show absolute irreducibility of several classes of multivariate polynomials over finite fields and discuss their applications.

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