Emergent Mind


In this paper we analyze approximate methods for undertaking a principal components analysis (PCA) on large data sets. PCA is a classical dimension reduction method that involves the projection of the data onto the subspace spanned by the leading eigenvectors of the covariance matrix. This projection can be used either for exploratory purposes or as an input for further analysis, e.g. regression. If the data have billions of entries or more, the computational and storage requirements for saving and manipulating the design matrix in fast memory is prohibitive. Recently, the Nystr\"om and column-sampling methods have appeared in the numerical linear algebra community for the randomized approximation of the singular value decomposition of large matrices. However, their utility for statistical applications remains unclear. We compare these approximations theoretically by bounding the distance between the induced subspaces and the desired, but computationally infeasible, PCA subspace. Additionally we show empirically, through simulations and a real data example involving a corpus of emails, the trade-off of approximation accuracy and computational complexity.

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