Emergent Mind

Robust Privacy-Utility Tradeoffs under Differential Privacy and Hamming Distortion

Published Jan 24, 2016 in cs.IT and math.IT


A privacy-utility tradeoff is developed for an arbitrary set of finite-alphabet source distributions. Privacy is quantified using differential privacy (DP), and utility is quantified using expected Hamming distortion maximized over the set of distributions. The family of source distribution sets (source sets) is categorized into three classes, based on different levels of prior knowledge they capture. For source sets whose convex hull includes the uniform distribution, symmetric DP mechanisms are optimal. For source sets whose probability values have a fixed monotonic ordering, asymmetric DP mechanisms are optimal. For all other source sets, general upper and lower bounds on the optimal privacy leakage are developed and a necessary and sufficient condition for tightness are established. Differentially private leakage is an upper bound on mutual information (MI) leakage: the two criteria are compared analytically and numerically to illustrate the effect of adopting a stronger privacy criterion.

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