Emergent Mind


Cloud-based computing infrastructure provides an efficient means to support real-time processing workloads, e.g., virtualized base station processing, and collaborative video conferencing. This paper addresses resource allocation for a computing system with multiple resources supporting heterogeneous soft real-time applications subject to Quality of Service (QoS) constraints on failures to meet processing deadlines. We develop a general outer bound on the feasible QoS region for non-clairvoyant resource allocation policies, and an inner bound for a natural class of policies based on dynamically prioritizing applications' tasks by favoring those with the largest (QoS) deficits. This provides an avenue to study the efficiency of two natural resource allocation policies: (1) priority-based greedy task scheduling for applications with variable workloads, and (2) priority-based task selection and optimal scheduling for applications with deterministic workloads. The near-optimality of these simple policies emerges when task processing deadlines are relatively large and/or when the number of compute resources is large. Analysis and simulations show substantial resource savings for such policies over reservation-based designs.

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