Emergent Mind

Bitwise Neural Networks

Published Jan 22, 2016 in cs.LG , cs.AI , and cs.NE


Based on the assumption that there exists a neural network that efficiently represents a set of Boolean functions between all binary inputs and outputs, we propose a process for developing and deploying neural networks whose weight parameters, bias terms, input, and intermediate hidden layer output signals, are all binary-valued, and require only basic bit logic for the feedforward pass. The proposed Bitwise Neural Network (BNN) is especially suitable for resource-constrained environments, since it replaces either floating or fixed-point arithmetic with significantly more efficient bitwise operations. Hence, the BNN requires for less spatial complexity, less memory bandwidth, and less power consumption in hardware. In order to design such networks, we propose to add a few training schemes, such as weight compression and noisy backpropagation, which result in a bitwise network that performs almost as well as its corresponding real-valued network. We test the proposed network on the MNIST dataset, represented using binary features, and show that BNNs result in competitive performance while offering dramatic computational savings.


  • The paper 'Bitwise Neural Networks' by Minje Kim and Paris Smaragdis introduces an innovative approach to neural networks using binary (0 or 1) or bipolar (-1 or 1) formats to drastically reduce computing resource requirements.

  • The paper highlights that Bitwise Neural Networks (BNNs) are especially suitable for resource-constrained environments as they reduce spatial complexity, memory bandwidth usage, and power consumption by utilizing basic bit logic operations like XNOR.

  • The researchers demonstrated that BNNs can achieve competitive performance on tasks like the MNIST dataset for handwritten digit recognition, with only a slight increase in error rates compared to floating-point networks, while offering significant computational savings.

Understanding Bitwise Neural Networks

What are Bitwise Neural Networks?

In the paper "Bitwise Neural Networks" by Minje Kim and Paris Smaragdis, the researchers suggest a novel approach to neural networks that could vastly reduce the computing resources required. The idea is to create neural networks where everything, from weights to inputs and outputs, is represented in binary (0 or 1) or bipolar (-1 or 1) formats. These Bitwise Neural Networks (BNNs) utilize basic bit logic operations like XNOR, making them particularly efficient for hardware with limited processing power, memory, or battery life.

Why Consider Bitwise Neural Networks?

Conventional Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) often require substantial computational resources. They use floating-point or fixed-point arithmetic, making them unsuitable for applications on embedded devices with resource constraints, such as always-on speech recognition or context-aware mobile applications. BNNs offer an attractive alternative by:

  • Reducing spatial complexity: Binary values take up less space.
  • Lowering memory bandwidth usage: Binary operations are simpler and more efficient.
  • Decreasing power consumption: Basic bit logic is less power-hungry compared to floating-point operations.

How Do Bitwise Neural Networks Work?

Feedforward Mechanism

In BNNs, the feedforward process replaces the typical multiplication and addition operations used in DNNs with simpler XNOR and bit-counting operations. Here's a simplified version of the forward pass:

  1. Binary Weights and Inputs: All the weights (W) and inputs (z) are binary values. The bias terms are also binary.
  2. Operation: The key mathematical operations in BNNs use bitwise logic. Specifically, the XNOR function and bit-count represent the binary equivalents of multiplication and addition.
  3. Activation Function: Instead of using functions like ReLU or sigmoid, BNNs use the sign function to ensure the outputs remain binary or bipolar.

Training Methodology

Training BNNs involves a two-step process:

  1. Weight Compression on Real-Valued Networks: Initially, a real-valued network is trained, but with weight compression to fit the binary constraints. This step ensures the weights remain within a specific range using techniques like the hyperbolic tangent function (tanh) to compress the values.
  2. Noisy Backpropagation: The real-valued results are used to initialize the binary weights in the BNN. During training, a noisy backpropagation process fine-tunes these weights, making them robust to binary precision. This involves:
  • Converting real-valued weights to binary.
  • Calculating errors using bitwise operations.
  • Adjusting weights based on these binary errors.

Experimental Results

The researchers tested BNNs on the well-known MNIST dataset for hand-written digit recognition. The BNNs demonstrated competitive performance, with only marginal increases in error rates compared to their real-valued counterparts:

  • Floating-Point Networks (64-bit): Error of 1.17%


  • With bipolar inputs: 1.33%
  • With 0/1 inputs: 1.36%
  • With fixed-point (2 bits) inputs: 1.47%

Despite the slight increase in error, the computational savings are significant, making BNNs a viable solution for resource-constrained environments.

Implications and Future Work

The practical applications of BNNs are vast. They could be instrumental in advancing technology for embedded systems, always-on devices, and large-scale data search systems. By simplifying the mathematical operations, BNNs can improve efficiency and reduce energy consumption, making them more environmentally friendly.

Looking ahead, one intriguing area of future research is exploring a bitwise version of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Given that CNNs are widely used in image and video processing, adapting them to a bitwise format could offer substantial efficiency gains in real-time processing on low-power devices.

In summary, Bitwise Neural Networks present a promising direction for making neural network computations more efficient. While they may involve some loss of accuracy, their benefits in terms of resource savings can be transformative for specific applications.

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