Emergent Mind

Data recovery from corrupted observations via l1 minimization

Published Jan 22, 2016 in cs.IT and math.IT


This paper studies the problem of recovering a signal vector and the corrupted noise vector from a collection of corrupted linear measurements through the solution of a l1 minimization, where the sensing matrix is a partial Fourier matrix whose rows are selected randomly and uniformly from rows of a full Fourier matrix. After choosing the parameter in the l1 minimization appropriately, we show that the recovery can be successful even when a constant fraction of the measurements are arbitrarily corrupted, moreover, the proportion of corrupted measurement can grows arbitrarily close to 1, provided that the signal vector is sparse enough. The upper-bound on the sparsity of the signal vector required in this paper is asymptotically optimal and is better than those achieved by recent literatures [1, 2] by a ln(n) factor. Furthermore, the assumptions we impose on the signal vector and the corrupted noise vector are loosest comparing to the existing literatures [1-3], which lenders our recovery guarantees are more applicable. Extensive numerical experiments based on synthesis as well as real world data are presented to verify the conclusion of the proposed theorem and to demonstrate the potential of the l1 minimization framework.

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