Emergent Mind

Improved N-continuous OFDM for 5G Wireless Communications

Published Jan 19, 2016 in cs.IT and math.IT


N-continuous orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (NC-OFDM) is a promising technique to obtain significant sidelobe suppression for baseband OFDM signals, in future 5G wireless communications. However, the precoder of NC-OFDM usually causes severe interference and high complexity. To reduce the interference and complexity, this paper proposes an improved time-domain N-continuous OFDM (TD-NC-OFDM) by shortening the smooth signal, which is linearly combined by rectangularly pulsed OFDM basis signals truncated by a smooth window. Furthermore, we obtain an asymptotic spectrum analysis of the TD-NC-OFDM signals by a closed-form expression, calculate its low complexity in OFDM transceiver, and derive a closed-form expression of the received signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR). Simulation results show that the proposed low-interference TD-NC-OFDM can achieve similar suppression performance but introduce negligible bit error rate (BER) degradation and much lower computational complexity, compared to conventional NC-OFDM.

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