Emergent Mind

A Note On Vertex Distinguishing Edge colorings of Trees

Published Jan 9, 2016 in math.CO and cs.DM


A proper edge coloring of a simple graph $G$ is called a vertex distinguishing edge coloring (vdec) if for any two distinct vertices $u$ and $v$ of $G$, the set of the colors assigned to the edges incident to $u$ differs from the set of the colors assigned to the edges incident to $v$. The minimum number of colors required for all vdecs of $G$ is denoted by $\chi\,'s(G)$ called the vdec chromatic number of $G$. Let $nd(G)$ denote the number of vertices of degree $d$ in $G$. In this note, we show that a tree $T$ with $n2(T)\leq n1(T)$ holds $\chi\,'s(T)=n1(T)+1$ if its diameter $D(T)=3$ or one of two particular trees with $D(T) =4$, and $\chi\,'s(T)=n1(T)$ otherwise; furthermore $\chi\,'{es}(T)=\chi\,'s(T)$ when $|E(T)|\leq 2(n1(T)+1)$, where $\chi\,'{es}(T)$ is the equitable vdec chromatic number of $T$.

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