Emergent Mind

About the Suitability of Clouds in High-Performance Computing

Published Jan 8, 2016 in cs.DC


Cloud computing has become the ubiquitous computing and storage paradigm. It is also attractive for scientists, because they do not have to care any more for their own IT infrastructure, but can outsource it to a Cloud Service Provider of their choice. However, for the case of High-Performance Computing (HPC) in a cloud, as it is needed in simulations or for Big Data analysis, things are getting more intricate, because HPC codes must stay highly efficient, even when executed by many virtual cores (vCPUs). Older clouds or new standard clouds can fulfil this only under special precautions, which are given in this article. The results can be extrapolated to other cloud OSes than OpenStack and to other codes than OpenFOAM, which were used as examples.

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