Emergent Mind


Motivated by Tverberg-type problems in topological combinatorics and by classical results about embeddings (maps without double points), we study the question whether a finite simplicial complex K can be mapped into Rd without higher-multiplicity intersections. We focus on conditions for the existence of almost r-embeddings, i.e., maps from K to Rd without r-intersection points among any set of r pairwise disjoint simplices of K. Generalizing the classical Haefliger-Weber embeddability criterion, we show that a well-known necessary deleted product condition for the existence of almost r-embeddings is sufficient in a suitable r-metastable range of dimensions (r d > (r+1) dim K +2). This significantly extends one of the main results of our previous paper (which treated the special case where d=rk and dim K=(r-1)k, for some k> 3).

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