Emergent Mind

Tri-connectivity Augmentation in Trees

Published Jan 4, 2016 in math.CO and cs.DM


For a connected graph, a {\em minimum vertex separator} is a minimum set of vertices whose removal creates at least two connected components. The vertex connectivity of the graph refers to the size of the minimum vertex separator and a graph is $k$-vertex connected if its vertex connectivity is $k$, $k\geq 1$. Given a $k$-vertex connected graph $G$, the combinatorial problem {\em vertex connectivity augmentation} asks for a minimum number of edges whose augmentation to $G$ makes the resulting graph $(k+1)$-vertex connected. In this paper, we initiate the study of $r$-vertex connectivity augmentation whose objective is to find a $(k+r)$-vertex connected graph by augmenting a minimum number of edges to a $k$-vertex connected graph, $r \geq 1$. We shall investigate this question for the special case when $G$ is a tree and $r=2$. In particular, we present a polynomial-time algorithm to find a minimum set of edges whose augmentation to a tree makes it 3-vertex connected. Using lower bound arguments, we show that any tri-vertex connectivity augmentation of trees requires at least $\lceil \frac {2l1+l2}{2} \rceil$ edges, where $l1$ and $l2$ denote the number of degree one vertices and degree two vertices, respectively. Further, we establish that our algorithm indeed augments this number, thus yielding an optimum algorithm.

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