Emergent Mind


In the decremental single-source shortest paths (SSSP) problem we want to maintain the distances between a given source node $s$ and every other node in an $n$-node $m$-edge graph $G$ undergoing edge deletions. While its static counterpart can be solved in near-linear time, this decremental problem is much more challenging even in the undirected unweighted case. In this case, the classic $O(mn)$ total update time of Even and Shiloach [JACM 1981] has been the fastest known algorithm for three decades. At the cost of a $(1+\epsilon)$-approximation factor, the running time was recently improved to $n{2+o(1)}$ by Bernstein and Roditty [SODA 2011]. In this paper, we bring the running time down to near-linear: We give a $(1+\epsilon)$-approximation algorithm with $m{1+o(1)}$ expected total update time, thus obtaining near-linear time. Moreover, we obtain $m{1+o(1)} \log W$ time for the weighted case, where the edge weights are integers from $1$ to $W$. The only prior work on weighted graphs in $o(m n)$ time is the $m n{0.9 + o(1)}$-time algorithm by Henzinger et al. [STOC 2014, ICALP 2015] which works for directed graphs with quasi-polynomial edge weights. The expected running time bound of our algorithm holds against an oblivious adversary. In contrast to the previous results which rely on maintaining a sparse emulator, our algorithm relies on maintaining a so-called sparse $(h, \epsilon)$-hop set introduced by Cohen [JACM 2000] in the PRAM literature. An $(h, \epsilon)$-hop set of a graph $G=(V, E)$ is a set $F$ of weighted edges such that the distance between any pair of nodes in $G$ can be $(1+\epsilon)$-approximated by their $h$-hop distance (given by a path containing at most $h$ edges) on $G'=(V, E\cup F)$. Our algorithm can maintain an $(n{o(1)}, \epsilon)$-hop set of near-linear size in near-linear time under edge deletions.

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