Emergent Mind

Fast Parallel SVM using Data Augmentation

Published Dec 24, 2015 in cs.LG


As one of the most popular classifiers, linear SVMs still have challenges in dealing with very large-scale problems, even though linear or sub-linear algorithms have been developed recently on single machines. Parallel computing methods have been developed for learning large-scale SVMs. However, existing methods rely on solving local sub-optimization problems. In this paper, we develop a novel parallel algorithm for learning large-scale linear SVM. Our approach is based on a data augmentation equivalent formulation, which casts the problem of learning SVM as a Bayesian inference problem, for which we can develop very efficient parallel sampling methods. We provide empirical results for this parallel sampling SVM, and provide extensions for SVR, non-linear kernels, and provide a parallel implementation of the Crammer and Singer model. This approach is very promising in its own right, and further is a very useful technique to parallelize a broader family of general maximum-margin models.

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